Share your views on diversity in international construction disputes

Are you part of the international construction legal community? The International Advisory and Dispute Resolution Unit at 3 Verulam Buildings (3VB) is looking for your views on diversity in the field.


Though the international construction legal community is considered remarkably diverse, with men and women from many jurisdictions and cultures practising construction law at a senior level, reports suggest that this diversity does not extend to tribunals, dispute boards and adjudication panels. Through conducting a global survey of the users of construction arbitration, dispute boards and adjudications, 3VB’s International Advisory and Dispute Resolution Unit hopes to determine whether there is in fact a diversity issue in the field and, if so, to understand why the international construction legal community is falling behind, and what can be done to improve both gender and cultural diversity going forward.   


To participate in the survey, please click here. The survey will be open until end November 2018, with the results to be published in early 2019.​ Participants who complete the survey will be entered into a draw for one free registration to the next GAR Live Construction Disputes event, kindly donated by Global Arbitration Review. 


This survey is also supported by Global Arbitration Review, the ICP and arbitration committees within the IBA, Arbitral Women, Women in Arbitration, YConstruction, Delos, several Societies of Construction Law, the DRBF as well as ​other organisations. 


For more information, contact Jane Davies Evans at jde@3vb.comor Carlos de Carvalho at​