ICCA International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration
Covering arbitral law and practice in over 85 countries, the International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration is an essential tool for anyone practising in international arbitration across multiple jurisdictions. Published under the leadership of General Editor Lise Bosman, and with the assistance of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the Handbook contains authoritative country reports prepared by leading arbitrators, academics and practitioners on national arbitral practice, as well as the relevant national legislation (in English).
International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration - Table of Contents including Supplement 120
“Looking for an overview of the seat of your arbitration? Wondering where best to enforce an arbitral award? The ICCA Handbook should be your first port of call.”
- Lise Bosman
International Handbook Commercial Arbitration Compare Jurisdictions Tool
Kluwer Arbitration's Compare Tool is available to subscribers. The tool, which is based on our prestigious Handbook on Commercial Arbitration, allows you to select jurisdictions and topics of interest and then compare the results quickly and easily.
Meet the ICCA Handbook Authors