A recap of ICCA resources: documents and features worth revisiting

As an organization committed to promoting knowledge and use of international arbitration worldwide, we’ve got a lot of ground to cover. The result: a website full of resources and too little time for you to peruse them all. That’s why we’ve put together a list of some of our most useful resources.



ICCA Checklist: First Procedural Order

Printed on the front and back of an A5 page, this checklist is compact, simple, and does exactly as its name suggests: it provides a comprehensive list of issues to consider including in a first procedural order. Find it here. 


ICCA’s Guide to the Interpretation of the 1958 New York Convention

This little blue book is handed out at ICCA’s New York Convention Roadshows, a series of judicial colloquia on the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards. Though principally aimed at judges, this concise guide to the scope, interpretation and application of the Convention is useful for students, teachers and practitioners, and it's available in 22 languages. Find it here.



The ICCA Audiovisual Library

Did you know that the ICCA Audiovisual Library features full video footage of the past five ICCA Congresses, including the most recent Congress in Sydney? We’ve also got interviews with Prof. Piet Sanders and Prof. Dr. Pierre Lalive, and lectures by Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, Albert Jan van den Berg and many more. Find it here.



Related Arbitration Links

Perhaps you’re searching for treaties on arbitration or you’re on the hunt for a comprehensive list of online resources for arbitration. Whatever you’re after, ICCA’s Related Arbitration Links page is a good place to start. Find it here.