New York Convention Roadshow in Port Louis, Mauritius

13 - 14 August 2013

Report written by Fedelma Claire Smith


On 13-14 August 2013, ICCA Governing Board Member and Judge of the French Cour de cassation, Judge Dominique Hascher, delivered a two-day training workshop on the New York Convention for members of the Mauritius Bar Association.  The session was attended by 25 barristers and attorneys from Mauritius and focused on the practical application of the New York Convention under the framework of the Mauritius Arbitration Act 2008, as amended in 2013.  The programme made use of the ICCA Guide to the New York Convention in French and English.  The workshop took place over two full days, the second day being devoted to a fully-interactive advocacy workshop based on a hypothetical scenario of an arbitration taking place in Mauritius. The workshop was hosted by the Mauritius Bar Association and was organized in close cooperation with the LCIA-Mauritius International Arbitration Centre and the Permanent Court of Arbitration Legal Counsel and Representative in Mauritius, Ms. Fedelma C. Smith.