New York Convention Roadshow in Panama City, Panama

14 June 2023

On 14 June 2023, a New York Convention Roadshow was hosted at the Judiciary Academy of Panamá, at the request of President of the Supreme Court of Panamá - her Excellency Judge María Eugenia López Ariasa. The training was delivered by ICCA Governing Board and Judiciary Committee Members Andrés Jana and Dyalá Jiménez.


Twelve judges attended, including four clerks (Servidores Judiciales) of the Sala Cuarta, as well as high judges (magistrados) of the superior civil court, the superior criminal court, the superior administrative court, and the superior commercial court.


The event began with an opening statement by Andrés Jana, other speakers included local practitioners Prof. Carlos Arrue and Prof. Miguel Angel Clare. Important questions from attendees regarding arbitrability and public policy were addressed during the training. 


Panama City Roadshow