Third Party Funding draft report now available online for public comment

The draft report of the ICCA-Queen Mary Task Force on Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration is now available for public comment until 31 October 2017. The draft report is available here. To submit your feedback on the report to the Task Force Co-Chairs, Professor Catherine Rogers, Professor Stavros Brekoulakis and Professor W.W. (Rusty) Park, please email your remarks to


ICCA President Donald Donovan expressed his support for the project saying "ICCA is grateful for all the hard work by members of the Task Force, and hopeful that the draft report will promote robust discussion during the public comment period.”


The Co-chairs look forward to engaging with public comment on the draft, which includes chapters on the impact of third party funding on costs and security for costs, attorney-client privilege, and conflicts, together with overarching chapters on definitions and best practices. In the lead up to the launch of the final report at the ICCA Congress in Sydney in April 2018, the Task Force will also be discussing the draft report with representatives of the insurance industry, maritime arbitration practitioners and other international arbitration experts. Should you have any queries, please contact