Young ICCA Members Vote for Next Co-Chairs

Voting for two new Young ICCA co-chairs will take place via email on Friday 21 September. All registered Young ICCA members and buddies will have the opportunity to cast their vote after receiving information on each of the four candidates during the week leading up to the vote.

Current co-chairs Marike Paulsson and Lise Bosman have served as co-chairs since the launch of Young ICCA in May 2010 and will step down at the end of 2012. The four candidates to fill these two positions have all been active in Young ICCA programmes over the last two years. They will join Tim Foden and serve a two-year term as one of the three Young ICCA co-chairs.

Candidates for co-chair are (in alphabetical order): Jamsheed Peeroo (buddy in the Young ICCA mentoring programme and member of the organising committee for the New York Convention Roadshow in Mauritius), Jim Morrison (buddy in the mentoring programme and coordinator of the Young ICCA Asia-Pacific Desk), Maria Lokajova (Young ICCA Events coordinator and steering committee member) and Niuscha Bassiri (buddy in the mentoring programme and frequent speaker at Young ICCA events).